Purpose: In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5124.02 and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 6400.01, this issuance establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the DoD coordinated community response (CCR) for preventing and responding to problematic sexual behavior in children and youth (PSB-CY), as defined in DoDI 6400.01.
This online resource offers helpful information on problematic sexual behavior in children and youth for:
- Families
- Parents
- Guardians
- Caregivers
The Defense Department provides resources and support through the Coordinated Community Response and the Family Advocacy Program for military children, youth and families impacted by PSB-CY.
Problematic sexual behavior in children and youth is defined as behavior, initiated by children and youth younger than 18, that involves using sexual or private body parts in a manner that is developmentally inappropriate or potentially harmful to the individual or individuals impacted by the behavior.
A new DOD policy expands the responsibility of FAP to provide coordination and interventions for military families affected by PSB-CY. This change allows the program to support families whose children or adolescents have exhibited or been impacted by PSB-CY, and to convene a multidisciplinary team to manage the coordinated community response for all involved.
The Department of Defense, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth have collaborated with the Military One Source to provide a monthly podcast series on PSB-CY.
- September 6, 2023 - Parental Response to Problematic Sexual Behavior (Julia Grimm and Natalie Gallo).
https://www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/podcasts/military-onesource/psb-cy-parent-concerns/ - August 15, 2023 – Child & Youth Advocacy: Importance of Listening to Youth to Help Prevent PSB (Andrew Monroe, Clifford Ah-in-ist Sipes, and Shel Millington).
https://www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/podcasts/military-onesource/ways-to-prevent-psb-in-children/ - August 29, 2023 - How to Connect with Your Teenager (Renee Roman).
https://www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/podcasts/military-onesource/connecting-with-military-teen/ - March 19, 2024 - Tips for Parents to Talk about Mental Health (Clifford Ah-in-ist Sipes and Military Youth).
https://www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/podcasts/military-onesource/tips-to-talk-mental-health/ - July 23, 2024 - Building Your Child’s Safety Skills to Help Prevent Unhealthy Sexual Behavior (Amanda Mitten).
https://www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/podcasts/military-onesource/building-your-childs-safety-skills/ - August 2024 - Legal Aspects Concerning the Sexual Behavior of Youth (Paul Shawler)
Charlie Mike - Continue the Mission at Home for a Healthier Family
- Success in the military is built on resilience to continue the mission, or Charlie Mike. This tipsheet guides applying Charlie Mike to our families and home to facilitate success in life. At home, school, work and everywhere in between, we can continue the mission despite setback and adversity, and overcome any challenges we face.
Multidisciplinary Team Quick Guide
This Quick Guide will assist MDT members in:
- Becoming familiar with policy requirements for themselves and other MDT members
- Reviewing resources/information
- Locating resources to assist in supporting children and families involved in incidents of problematic sexual behavior
- Gaining access to a centralized location for key information
The Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth (PSB-CY) course is an online, entirely self-paced course. The NCTSN Academy developed the PSB-CY course as a foundation for understanding PSB-CY, a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach to addressing PSB-CY, PSB-CY in the context of development, and practitioner best practices surrounding PSB-CY. The PSB-CY course consists of 5 modules with 1-3 lessons each. We recommend setting aside approximately 2 hours each week to complete the coursework over a period of 2-3 weeks. After completing these lessons, you will be eligible to receive 4 CEUs. Each lesson includes downloadable resources related to the lesson subject.
OUR MISSION is to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families and communities throughout the United States.
These resources were developed to help CACs build partnerships with local military installations and their leaderships to better serve military children and families.
- Getting Started with Military Partnerships – a Guide for CACs
- Ready to Serve: When CACs and Military Agencies Team Up, Kids Are Better Off
- Status of CAC-Military Partnerships 2019 – Children’s Advocacy Centers and the Military: Where We Are, and Where We’re Going Together
- Trauma and Resiliency in Military Families, a One in Ten Podcast Episode
- How Key Military Roles Support Children and Families in Child Abuse Response
- Facts Sheets for key roles in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, and Navy.

The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges’ (NCJFCJ) National Resource Centre on Military-Connected Families and the Courts is designed to be a resource for judicial officers and others working in courts with military-connected families in cases involving family violence, protection orders, divorce, child custody, child support, child abuse and neglect, and juvenile delinquency. The primary focus for the resource center is on active duty military members and their families with cases in the juvenile and family court system. Resources regarding military veterans, National Guard and reserve members are not the focus of the center at this time but may be included as they are pertinent to certain topics.
This series addresses normal sexual behavior in children in addition to exploring cautionary and problematic sexual behavior (PSB) that children may display. Various factors associated with children’s sexual behavior are identified in order to assist clinicians in understanding the appropriate assessment and disclosure processes involved when problematic symptoms are present.
The Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth Non-Clinical Referral Tool (PSB-CY NCRT) is intended to assist DoDEA (Department of Defence Education Activity) and Child Development/Youth Program (CD/YP) personnel in determining if a referral or consult to FAP (Family Advocacy Program) is warranted based on the sexual behavior(s) exhibited by the child(ren) or youth. The NCRT also assists FAP personnel in establishing if a referred incident should be considered non-normative and if engagement of the MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Team) should be initiated.
The PSB-CY Non-Clinical Referral Tool Support Site is hosted by the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State and is intended to support DoDEA, CD/YP, and FAP personnel in the training and implementation of the NCRT. The site includes the following: a Learning Module that describes implementation of the tool, the most current PDF Fillable form version of the PSB-CY NCRT, a Resources page that includes resources related to PSB-CY, and a Frequently Asked Questions section that provides information related to the NCRT implementation. At this time, only those from FAP, DoDEA, and CD/YP have access to the Support Website since they are the primary users of the PSB-CY NCRT.
Preventing Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth: https://phc.amedd.army.mil/PHC%20Resource%20Library/Preventing%20Problematic%20Sexual%20Behavior%20in%20Children%20and%20Youth.pdf
Sexual development and behavior follows a developmental path and is influenced by children’s diverse environments and experiences. These courses will guide your understanding of factors that shape sexual development, how to build a program that promotes healthy sexual development in children and youth, and developmentally appropriate responses to all types of sexual behavior, including sexual behavior challenges or problematic sexual behavior. The Department of Defense Child Development Virtual Laboratory School was developed by The Ohio State University for the US Department of Defense’s Office of Family Policy/Children and Youth under Grant 2012-48711-20101 of the US Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food & Agriculture.
Sexual Development & Behavior in Children and Youth: https://www.virtuallabschool.org/focused-topics/sexual-development-and-behavior-in-children-and-youth
Sexual Development & Behavior in K-12 Students: https://www.virtuallabschool.org/focused-topics/sexual-development-and-behavior-in-k-12-students
The Department of Defense Child Development Virtual Laboratory School was developed by The Ohio State University for the US Department of Defense's Office of Family Policy/Children and Youth under Grant 2012-48711-20101 of the US Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food & Agriculture.