Resources & Education

Curwen, T., & Costin, D. (2007). Toward assessing risk for repeated concerning sexual behavior by children with sexual behavior problems: What we know and what we can do with this knowledge. In D. S Prescott (Ed.), Knowledge & practice: Challenges in the treatment and supervision of sexual abusers (pp. 310-344). Oklahoma City, OK: Woods and Barnes.

Assessments Bibliography

American Educational Research Association (AERA), American Psychological Association (APA), National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), (1999). The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Assessments Bibliography

Free disaster resource developed jointly with NCTSN

Piplo Productions

COVID-19 Parents of Children

SafeCare Stronger Families Brighter Futures

COVID-19 Parents of Children

written by Meredith Polsky

COVID-19 Parents of Children

Sample Family Routine for Families with Children 1-5 Years Old

SafeCare Stronger Families Brighter Futures

COVID-19 Parents of Children

Protective + Risk Observations For Eliminating Sexual Offense Recidivism, a structured checklist to assist professionals to identify and summarize protective and risk factors for adolescents and emerging adults (i.e., individuals aged 12 to 25) who have offended sexually.

Assessments Bibliography